Globalization and Systems

Global thinking presents a unique opportunity to connect with the world through technology and other communication medias to understand and then embrace the different cultural, social and economic values and incorporate such understanding to improve organizational learning, change and its system thinking. Throughout this paper the intersection and common concepts of globalization and systems theory, organizational change and the learning organization will be discussed, as well as the application of globalization on all of the above dimensions will be addressed.

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The Ethical and Effective Change Agent

The Riverbend City cultural competence simulation will be used throughout this paper to present the background scenario of a cultural and ethical issues between the Riverbend City Medical Center (RCMC) and the Hmong community they serve. Different views and beliefs of the individuals involved will be presented and critically analyzed within the context of RCMC environment. Finally, the use of appreciative inquiry and change theory will be applied as a framework to guide the organization (RCMC) toward a successful and sustainable change.

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Roots of Systems Theory

Reflecting upon the historical background and the main theoretical concepts of system thinking will showcase the scope and riches of system thinking and allows for formulating a better appreciation of system thinking potential application in varies arenas. Throughout his paper will examine the historical and theoretical roots of system thinking, the use of system thinking in education, and exploring the main concepts of system thinking including interconnectedness, reinforcing processes, causal loops, and system archetypes, while connecting such concepts to an organizational system.

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